On The Money with Peter Hebert

May 12, 2011

On The Money with Peter Hebert, Interview with Chris Sorensen of USA Help, May 12, 2011

Filed under: Commentary — Peter Hebert @ 10:35 PM

This segment of On The Money with Peter Hebert features an exclusive two part interview with Chris Sorensen of USA Help. Sorenson’s background is mortgage banking and real estate. USA Help provides a higher certification level for real estate brokers and mortgage brokers. The organization also provides financial literacy counseling for homeowners. We discuss these topics as well as survey the devastated south California real estate market. Listen to part one here. Listen to part two here).

Tribute to New World Order Emperor Barack Obama

Filed under: Commentary — Peter Hebert @ 2:22 AM

This installment of On The Money with host Peter Hebert is a two hour special that contains archival 9/11 news clips and statement excerpts from people that include George Herbert Walker Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Milt Bearden of the Central Intelligence Agency, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, assassinated Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, former US Marine and anti war activist Ken O’Keefe, writer Christopher Bollyn, Deborah Lauter of the Anti-Defamation League, Mark Potek of the Southern Poverty Law Center, constitutional lawyer Michael Gross (formerly with the American Civil Liberties Union), former Director of Studies at the US Army War College Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Aaron Russo, Alex Jones, “IBM and the Holocaust” author Edwin Black, U.S. foreign and domestic policy analyst Webster Tarpley, Barack Obama, the “fat aussie bastard” from down under, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The topics include Project for a New American Century, 9/11, false flag operations, Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda, the war on terror, anti-Semitism, the Israeli Mossad, RFID chips, the Council on Foreign Relations, media complicity in advancing state- and corporate-sponsored propaganda, and the New World Order. This survey of the events surrounding 9/11 and the war on terror rejects any one-sided narrative, but instead examines many of the dominant themes that drive the establishment’s and public’s diametrically opposed views concerning the many topics addressed.

Warning: The content of this segment contains isolated instances of offensive language.
Disclaimer: The producer of this anthology takes no position regarding the claims of those included in this tribute to Barack Obama.

Listen to the show here.

May 5, 2011

Peter Hebert Appears with Jack Blood on Deadline Live to Discuss Obama’s Osama Kill

Filed under: Commentary — Peter Hebert @ 3:40 AM

Peter Hebert makes a guest appearance with Jack Blood on Deadline Live to discuss the Obama Administration’s claim of killing Osama bin Laden. (Listen here for the first hour).

These Changing Timez, On The Money with Peter Hebert, May 4, 2011

Filed under: Commentary — Peter Hebert @ 2:29 AM

This segment of On The Money with Peter Hebert is a two hour segment that addresses the Obama Administration’s announcement of the death of Osama bin Laden. Hebert states that the only people who believe the establishment line are True Believers (read Eric Hoffer’s book by that title) or those just beamed down to earth with no context or frame of reference.(Listen to the show here).

May 2, 2011

“Death” of Bin Laden Rescues Obama From Certificate of JIVE Birth Scandal

Filed under: Commentary — Peter Hebert @ 6:42 AM

After releasing his certificate of JIVE birth, President Obama’s approval rating remains at an all time low. As wonderful coincidences happen to play out, Osama bin Laden was reported dead on May 1. Bin Laden was a Central Intelligence Agency operative and trainee of Council on Foreign Relations front man Zbigniew Brezinski back in the day when the United States funded the mujahideen to fight the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan. The rumor mill, however, suggests that Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in 2007 for announcing that Bin Laden had been dead.

Osama Bin Laden died twice in 10 years?

Everyone should recall Sir William Golding’s book Lord of the Flies (or see it on Netflix). It’s a tale of two political rulers: Jack and Ralph. Jack emerges as the dominant ruler of the island by creating a fiction, the beastie, which he uses to scare the daylights out of most. The beastie was used as a code red terror threat alert to keep the naive children under Jack’s complete control. That fear was reinforced through coercion and produced loyalty. Ralph, in contrast, relied on the truth. And, Jack had to keep relying on the lies and fear in order to maintain his power. (In fact, Pakistanis believe that the Americans created Osama bin Laden). By maintaining his grip on power, Jack ended up burning down the island. The rescue of those children was the result of outside help, which I’ve understood as a metaphor for divine intervention at just the right moment.

The “finger print” of the devil, according to Jesus Christ, is that he is “a thief, a liar, and a murderer from the beginning.” On 9/11 World Trade Center building 7 came down at free fall speed in the same manner as towers one and two, yet had not been hit by planes or exposed to jet fuel. The British media reported that several of the alleged jihadist hijackers on the planes used on 9/11 were in fact alive. Weapons of mass destruction were declared to have existed in Iraq according to the George W. Bush and Tony Blair administrations. That was not the case. The war on terror rested on a lie, robbed Americans of trust in its institutions, and resulted in countless civilian deaths abroad.

This war on terror is about advancing Anglo-American interests to establish a New World Order. The benefit to Israel is outsourced defense and what may end up becoming a 1,000 mile burn and buffer zone around the Jewish state. The benefit to the United States is greater energy security, more embassy compounds for the empire, and a solid base of operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf, and the Mediterranean for what may likely be a punishing war on Iran. As George H. W. Bush said in 1991, “When we are successful and we will be … we have a real chance at this New World Order ….”

What started out as shock and awe under George W. Bush has ended with shock and awe and the audacity of hope under Barack Obama in thinking that he has a chance at regaining his credibility.

I conclude with this question: Which would you say demonstrated more pomp and circumstance to surround a fairy tale? The global media coverage of the royal wedding of William and Kate? Or Obama announcing the death of bin Laden followed by a sudden burial at sea?

Francis Bacon noted, “The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.”

So, was Osama sewn into a pig skin burial shroud and then drop kicked off the side of the ship? Or was there a Muslim chaplain to wrap bin Laden’s mangled body in yesterday’s edition of The New York Times and then make a prayer that may have gone like this:

Fare thee well oh poor wretched soul, thou tool.
Go thou quietly into the depths, thou poor tormented soul.
Seek thine rest there until the great day.
Yes, dearest friend … go thou quietly into the still night (again).
May thine soul find rest in the watery depths.
There no virgins await for thine warm embrace.
Go thou quietly.

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